Sunday, May 16, 2010


The Aquarium

The aquarium after we added a tomato clownfish and anemone. The fish is behind the rocks.

Friday, May 14, 2010

First real inhabitant

He is aDwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab. He was a stowaway in a saltwater fern I bought today.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The fresh water aquarium that I've had for a little while. It contains a few Mollies in it.
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Today A new live rock and power head

Well the aquarium is slowly coming together. Last night I found out that cycling a tank with live rock you need 1lbs per live rock for every 5 gallons.  That means I need to have around 7-8 lbs. So far I have 4lbs. I also purchased a power head today for my tank. Slowly but surely I'll get there. This is the coolest projects ever. Heres some pics.

Monday, May 3, 2010


So I tested the PH in the tank and it's spot on, for now. I haven't tested the ammonia because you have to have something in there to produce ammonia and apparently I have to put some kind of waste in the tank like cocktail shrimp or something to decay. Why? Because your take is supposed to spike in ammonia levels and then level off. After that has happened then you can add livestock. Hmmmm, sound kinda interesting. But first I think I have to get more live rock.

Todays Aquarium Progress

Yesterday my tank was a little high in salt at 1.028 but today with a little water chang its now at 1.026 which is considered reef water.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My first inhabitant

at 7 dollars a pound we purchased a piece of live rock.

Things to worry about

Ph. Filters. Algae. Ammonia. Live Rock. Coral. Bacteria. What livestock should I get? What have I got myself into? Well at least the cat likes the box the aquarium came in.

Empty Aquarium

We set out for Petsmart for an aquarium. We search the store and find this lovely 36 gallon tank. Purchase price 169.99. Add a bag of Instant Ocean and were off. Get home set everything up. Soak the sand. Pretreat the water and add the salt. All day process, by the end what do we have? Empty Aquarium!